The Reiss Motivation Profile: What Motivates You book by Professor Steven Reiss has been updated and is now available for purchase in a digital format. What’s new:
What does it mean to be happy? Are there different types of happiness? How can we find happiness?
The basic desire for Acceptance is the desire for positive self-regard. It motivates people to avoid criticism and rejection. It also motivates evaluation anxiety. Acceptance is the basic desire most relevant to self-esteem. It is about being valued for who we are.
The Reiss Motivation Profile® assesses an individual’s desire for the fundamental motive of Acceptance along a continuum from a weak intensity to a strong intensity.
People with a weak need for Acceptance are self-confident, require little encouragement from others, and consistently put forth good effort since they expect to be successful.
Individuals with an average striving for this basic desire exhibit a mix of traits characteristic of people with either a strong or a weak need for Acceptance.
People with a strong desire for Acceptance are insecure, tend to worry about what might go wrong rather than what might go right, and show inconsistent effort.
The basic desire for Beauty is the desire for aesthetically appealing experiences. It motivates an interest in art, design, and fashion.
The Reiss Motivation Profile® assesses an individual’s desire for the fundamental motive of Beauty along a continuum from a weak intensity to a strong intensity.
People with a weak need for Beauty pay little attention to the aesthetic appeal of their surroundings.
Individuals with an average striving for this basic desire exhibit a mix of traits characteristic of people with either a strong or a weak need for Beauty.
People with a strong desire for Beauty care deeply about the attractiveness of their environment.
The basic desire for Curiosity is the desire for understanding.
The Reiss Motivation Profile® assesses an individual’s desire for the fundamental motive of Curiosity along a continuum from a weak intensity to a strong intensity.
People with a weak need for Curiosity value action over thinking, simplicity over complexity, and practical knowledge over theoretical ideas.
Individuals with an average striving for this basic desire exhibit a mix of traits characteristic of people with either a strong or a weak need for Curiosity.
People with a strong desire for Curiosity value theoretical knowledge and ideas, enjoy a wide range of intellectual interests, and like to analyze complex issues.
The basic desire for Eating is the desire to consume food.
The Reiss Motivation Profile® assesses an individual’s desire for the fundamental motive of Eating along a continuum from a weak intensity to a strong intensity.
People with a weak need for Eating show little interest in food, may have a limited diet, and sometimes forget to eat when they are particularly busy.
Individuals with an average striving for this basic desire exhibit a mix of traits characteristic of people with either a strong or a weak need for Eating.
People with a strong desire for Eating have hearty appetites, enjoy many different kinds of food, and spend considerable time thinking about their next meal.
The basic desire for Family is the desire to raise one’s children. It motivates people to spend time with their children and to place their children’s needs before their own. It also motivates the desire to spend time with siblings.
The Reiss Motivation Profile® assesses an individual’s desire for the fundamental motive of Family along a continuum from a weak intensity to a strong intensity.
People with a weak need for Family tend to choose goals that are not compatible with raising a family, may not want to have children, and often view the duties of parenthood as burdensome.
Individuals with an average striving for this basic desire exhibit a mix of traits characteristic of people with either a strong or a weak need for Family.
People with a strong desire for Family place great value on parenthood, enjoy spending significant time with their children, and dislike being away from their family for extended periods.
The basic desire for Honor is the desire for upright character. It motivates people to embrace moral codes of conduct, to be loyal to their parents as well as other ancestors, and to take pride in their ethnic heritage.
The Reiss Motivation Profile® assesses an individual’s desire for the fundamental motive of Honor along a continuum from a weak intensity to a strong intensity.
People with a weak need for Honor value expedience, act out of self-interest, and tend to blame others for their own mistakes.
Individuals with an average striving for this basic desire exhibit a mix of traits characteristic of people with either a strong or a weak need for Honor.
People with a strong desire for Honor place great value on morality, readily accept responsibility for their actions, and follow the rules.
The basic desire for Idealism is the desire for social justice. It motivates people to become involved in social causes, pay attention to current events, and support charities.
The Reiss Motivation Profile® assesses an individual’s desire for the fundamental motive of Idealism along a continuum from a weak intensity to a strong intensity.
People with a weak need for Idealism accept the world for what it is, focusing on events in their own lives rather than on issues that affect society.
Individuals with an average striving for this basic desire exhibit a mix of traits characteristic of people with either a strong or a weak need for Idealism.
People with a strong desire for Idealism place great value on fairness, equality, and helping others.
The basic desire for Independence is the desire for self-reliance. It motivates people to value their personal freedom and to make their own decisions. It also motivates attitudes toward individuality, or how important it is to the person to stand out as an individual.
The Reiss Motivation Profile® assesses an individual’s desire for the fundamental motive of Independence along a continuum from a weak intensity to a strong intensity.
People with a weak need for Independence value teamwork, dislike displays of individuality, and are comfortable trusting others to meet their needs.
Individuals with an average striving for this basic desire exhibit a mix of traits characteristic of people with either a strong or a weak need for Independence.
People with a strong desire for Independence are self-reliant, place great value on their personal freedom, and enjoy drawing attention to their individuality.
The basic desire for Order is the desire for structure and stability. It motivates people to plan, schedule, and organize.
The Reiss Motivation Profile® assesses an individual’s desire for the fundamental motive of Order along a continuum from a weak intensity to a strong intensity.
People with a weak need for Order are flexible, enjoy spontaneity, focus on the “big picture,” and tend to change directions frequently.
Individuals with an average striving for this basic desire exhibit a mix of traits characteristic of people with either a strong or a weak need for Order.
People with a strong desire for Order are organized, value preparation, are exceptionally attentive to details, and prefer consistency to change.
The basic desire for Physical Activity is the desire for muscle exercise. It motivates people to engage in physically vigorous activities such as sports.
The Reiss Motivation Profile® assesses an individual’s desire for the fundamental motive of Physical Activity along a continuum from a weak intensity to a strong intensity.
People with a weak need for Physical Activity prefer a sedentary lifestyle, attempt to conserve energy in their everyday lives, and often choose jobs and hobbies that involve little muscle movement.
Individuals with an average striving for this basic desire exhibit a mix of traits characteristic of people with either a strong or a weak need for Physical Activity.
People with a strong desire for Physical Activity seek an active lifestyle, value fitness, and may play one or more sports.
The basic desire for Power is the desire for influence of will. Power drives hard work, determination, and the need for achievement. It also can motivate the desire for leadership.
The Reiss Motivation Profile® assesses an individual’s desire for the fundamental motive of Power along a continuum from a weak intensity to a strong intensity.
People with a weak need for Power are nonassertive, value work-life balance, and may avoid positions of leadership.
Individuals with an average striving for this basic desire exhibit a mix of traits characteristic of people with either a strong or a weak need for Power.
People with a strong desire for Power seek challenges, work hard to achieve their goals, value competence, and enjoy giving advice.
The basic desire for Saving is the desire to collect things. Saving influences how well people take care of the things they own as well as their attitudes toward spending.
The Reiss Motivation Profile® assesses an individual’s desire for the fundamental motive of Saving along a continuum from a weak intensity to a strong intensity.
People with a weak need for Saving tend to dispose of things, may be careless with their personal belongings, and typically enjoy spending money.
Individuals with an average striving for this basic desire exhibit a mix of traits characteristic of people with either a strong or a weak need for Saving.
People with a strong desire for Saving are collectors, value frugality, and often take good care of their possessions.
The basic desire for Social Contact is the desire for companionship. This basic desire is about friendship with peers and does not include companionship with parents and children.
The Reiss Motivation Profile® assesses an individual’s desire for the fundamental motive of Social Contact along a continuum from a weak intensity to a strong intensity.
People with a weak need for Social Contact value their privacy, enjoy solitude, and prefer interacting with a few close friends rather than many casual acquaintances.
Individuals with an average striving for this basic desire exhibit a mix of traits characteristic of people with either a strong or a weak need for Social Contact.
People with a strong desire for Social Contact seek an active social life, are fun-loving, enjoy group projects, and may prefer team sports.
The basic desire for Status is the desire for respect based on social standing. It motivates people to value wealth, fame, and prestige.
The Reiss Motivation Profile® assesses an individual’s desire for the fundamental motive of Status along a continuum from a weak intensity to a strong intensity.
People with a weak need for Status are humble, value social equality, typically reject materialism, and are unimpressed with royalty or celebrities.
Individuals with an average striving for this basic desire exhibit a mix of traits characteristic of people with either a strong or a weak need for Status.
People with a strong desire for Status like to feel important, often embrace materialistic values, tend to be impressed by fame and popularity, and may choose a profession based on its perceived level of prestige.
The basic desire for Tranquility is the desire to avoid experiencing anxiety and pain. This desire influences attitudes toward safety, danger, adventure, and risk.
The Reiss Motivation Profile® assesses an individual’s desire for the fundamental motive of Tranquility along a continuum from a weak intensity to a strong intensity.
People with a weak need for Tranquility enjoy activities that provide excitement and adventure, have a high capacity for handling stress, and may be fearless.
Individuals with an average striving for this basic desire exhibit a mix of traits characteristic of people with either a strong or a weak need for Tranquility.
People with a strong desire for Tranquility are cautious, may worry about becoming ill or injured, tend to develop many fears, and have difficulty coping with stress.
The basic desire for Vengeance is the desire to confront those who frustrate or offend us. Common provocations are threats to an individual’s status, territory, or children; competition for resources; strange or unfamiliar people; and aggressive behavior by others. The desire for Vengeance motivates the competitive spirit.
The Reiss Motivation Profile® assesses an individual’s desire for the fundamental motive of Vengeance along a continuum from a weak intensity to a strong intensity.
People with a weak need for Vengeance are peacemakers, value cooperation over competition, dislike comparing themselves to others, and are quick to forgive people who cross them.
Individuals with an average striving for this basic desire exhibit a mix of traits characteristic of people with either a strong or a weak need for Vengeance.
People with a strong desire for Vengeance are quick to confront others, tend to be highly competitive, place great value on winning, and often compare themselves to others.
“My work is to help executives and their teams improve leadership effectiveness both individually and collectively. Based on the RMP, the first step is to help them better understand who they are and what is important to them. Once they understand this through witnessing their motives and behavioral pre-dispositions that fall out of those motives, this gives them more choice in how they apply themselves to leadership actions.”
“As a consultant for collegiate and professional sports, I have used the RMP to help organizations evaluate prospects, improve communication between coaches and athletes, and create programs for my own clients. The RMP has been a great tool for enabling athletes to acquire the self-awareness necessary to improve their performance and for helping professional organizations gain insight into how to maximize an athlete’s potential.”
“The RSMP is an amazing tool to gain deep insights into a student’s motivation. In profiling more than a thousand children, we consistently see the eureka moments when teachers begin to connect the behavior of their students to their RSMP profile. The RSMP provides precious information to help decide on strategies needed to guide underperforming students, and it also enables parents to build stronger relationships with their children.”
“I have used the RMP in both research and clinical settings. It is an innovative instrument that measures an important dimension of human personality. My published studies show the RMP to be a reliable and valid measure of motivation, and it is an invaluable tool for working with clients in psychotherapy. The RMP leads to new levels of understanding why people behave the way they do.”
An Introduction to the Reiss Motivation Profile®
Deep down, what motivates you? What aspects of your life are most meaningful to you? What goals drive your behavior?
Professor Steven Reiss answered these questions in a unique way – scientifically. He asked thousands of people from different cultures and diverse backgrounds about their intrinsic motives. This research produced the Reiss Motivation Profile®, the first comprehensive, standardized measure of what motivates an individual.
Reiss’s theory of motivation has been applied to training leaders and reducing conflict in business, enabling athletes to achieve peak performance through understanding their tendencies under the stress of competition, assessing motivational reasons for academic underachievement, and identifying the value differences that underlie chronic conflicts in relationships.
Over 225,000 individuals from more than 150 countries on six continents have completed the Reiss Motivation Profile®. IDS Publishing Corporation is building an international network of partners who are licensed to train RMP Masters to administer the test in accordance with The Science of Motivation®. Currently, our 12 partnerships – highlighted below in orange – are located in Australia, Austria, Belgium, China, Denmark, Finland, Germany, Iceland, India, Italy, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Sweden, Switzerland, Taiwan, Turkey, and the United Arab Emirates. We continue to explore opportunities to increase our global presence.
Steven Reiss, Ph.D. was Professor of Psychology and Psychiatry at The Ohio State University. He graduated from Dartmouth College, earned his doctorate in psychology from Yale University, and completed a clinical internship at Harvard Medical School. Prior to developing the Reiss Motivation Profile®, he created two other widely-used measures: the Anxiety Sensitivity Index, which assesses anxiety disorders and which has been translated into more than 20 languages, and the Reiss Screen for Maladaptive Behavior, the leading tool for identifying mental health issues in people with developmental disabilities. Reiss authored five books on the RMP, published 17 articles in prestigious scientific journals about the test’s reliability and validity, and gave invited talks in 13 countries on The Science of Motivation®.
“Professor Reiss is the only person, to my knowledge, who has put together the most comprehensive and evidence based model of intrinsic motivations. The creation of the Reiss Motivation Profile® is an extraordinary achievement, and it has helped my practice tremendously. Administering the RMP to individuals and couples is useful to me and illuminating to them, as it has led to insights and approaches to resolving conflicts.”
“The Reiss Motivation Profile® is a crucial ‘missing factor’ from traditional school and career counseling. Its insights invariably lead students to follow deeply-rewarding career paths. Further, the results empower students, parents, teachers, and school interventionists to implement effective solutions for learning and behavior issues. The RMP is the premier, scientific tool I use when working with students, assisting professional athletes and teams, or consulting with corporations.”
“As a practicing coach, I have been an ardent user of the Reiss Motivation Profile® for more than a decade. It has been an integral part of the assessments I use with both potential and ongoing clients. The RMP has helped all of my clients to understand their motivations beyond simple awareness. It has given them deep insights, thereby allowing them to take their lives to the next level.”
“The Reiss Motivation Profile® is well-founded in science: It is norm referenced and has strong reliability and validity. Our school searched for five years for a tool to assist our students, parents, teachers, and coaches. The RMP is valuable in discerning our students’ strengths, motives, and the underlying causes of the difficulties they face socially, emotionally, and academically. As a result, we can address our students’ needs with greater awareness.”
“We use the Reiss Motivation Profile® as a critical element in our formula for career success. Clients have used their results to focus and re-energize their activities and to dramatically increase their work/life satisfaction.”
“As a coach of professional athletes, fighters, and special operatives whose lives depend on their performance, I start with this: Where there’s a Will, there’s a Way, but first there’s a Why, because the single most influencing factor of performance is one’s motivation, that from which all else emanates, and the RMP reveals it with remarkable accuracy.”
“I use the RMP to profile individual employees and to create team synergies that drive individuals as a collective toward a healthier, stable, and more effective team culture. I thoroughly recommend the Reiss Motivation Profile® as an essential tool for any organization wanting to understand the proven science of motivation.”
“I use the Reiss Motivation Profile® extensively in my psychological evaluations of adolescents. The instrument is invaluable in helping me to understand students' behavior both at home and in school, develop treatment plans that reflect their unique personality, and guide them to create realistic goals for their future. It goes beyond traditional self-report scales in assessing goal directed behavior."
IDS Publishing Corporation, owner of the copyright to the Reiss Motivation Profile®, was founded by Professor Steven Reiss. Maggi M. Reiss has served as IDS’s President since the company’s inception in 1988. Currently, the management team also includes Vice President Michael Reiss, Associate Kristen Reiss, and Social Media Director Iuliana Heckman. Headquartered in McLean, Virginia, USA, IDS Publishing Corporation has licensed 12 global partnerships covering 18 countries to train people in The Science of Motivation® and in the use of the RMP. Eight additional trainers are licensed to certify RMP Masters in other countries. IDS Publishing Corporation is a United States government certified woman-owned business (WOSB) and a founding member of the Association of Test Publishers.
IDS Publishing Corporation, owner of the copyright to the Reiss Motivation Profile®, was founded by Professor Steven Reiss. Maggi M. Reiss has served as IDS’s President since the company’s inception in 1988. Currently, the management team also includes Vice President Michael Reiss, Associate Kristen Reiss, and Social Media Director Iuliana Heckman. Headquartered in McLean, Virginia, USA, IDS Publishing Corporation has licensed 12 global partnerships covering 18 countries to train people in The Science of Motivation® and in the use of the RMP. Eight additional trainers are licensed to certify RMP Masters in other countries. IDS Publishing Corporation is a United States government certified woman-owned business (WOSB) and a founding member of the Association of Test Publishers.
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